You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.7. DEBTORS Menu: Debtors Ledger > 1.7.2. Debtors - Debtors Transaction Processing > Debtors Transaction Processing - Loyalties Menu (v2.8) > Loyalties Menu - Accrue Loyalties (v2.8)
Loyalties Menu - Accrue Loyalties (v2.8)

Use this option to post loyalty credits accrued and redeemed by customers during the month to the General Ledger. This ensures that your GL accounts for Loyalties Accrued and Loyalties Redeemed are up to date, showing accurate balances for your expenses and liabilities.

It also updates the Loyalties Accrued field in the Debtor master file – see "File - Debtor - Loyalty (v2.8)".

Ideally, you should run this option before you do your End of Month rollover – see "End of Month - End of Month".

To post loyalty credits to the General Ledger:


Micronet displays the Accrue Loyalties screen.

  1. Check the boxes for the loyalty types you want to post to the General Ledger:





Monthly Journal

Post loyalty credits which are accrued as monthly journal credits to customer accounts.

These options are set on the Loyalty tab in the Debtor master file (refer to "File - Debtor - Loyalty (v2.8)").


Quarterly Journal

Post loyalty credits which are accrued as quarterly journal credits to customer accounts.


Yearly Journal

Post loyalty credits which are accrued as yearly journal credits to customer accounts.


Monthly Payment

Post loyalty credits which are accrued as monthly payments.


Quarterly Payment

Post loyalty credits which are accrued as quarterly payments.


Zero Unused Accrued Loyalties

Clear (zero) any previously accrued loyalty credits that have not been used by your customers as payments in the current period.

Leave this box unchecked to preserve unused accrued loyalty credits and add the new loyalty credits to them.

  1. Select the OK button.

Depending on your loyalties system configuration (see "Edit - Program - Loyalty (v2.8)", if there are any customers whose accounts are on hold, who have not met their sales targets or who have overdue invoices, Micronet displays the Confirm Loyalty screen.

  1. Check the customer details displayed and then either:

When you have completed the Confirm Loyalty screen for each applicable customer, Micronet posts the accrued loyalty credits to the General Ledger and redisplays the Debtor Batch - Loyalties screen showing the debtor loyalties batch.

  1. To print a report showing the details of the loyalty credits posted in the batch, select the loyalties batch and then:

Micronet displays the User Defined Questions screen.

  1. Enter any heading you want printed on the report then select Ok.

Micronet displays the Select Output Device screen.

  1. Select whether you want the report displayed on screen, printed, saved to a specific type of file, faxed, or emailed in a specific format.



For more details on these options, refer to "Selecting the Output for Inquiries and Reports".

Micronet prints or displays the Debtors Register report.

Once you have posted the loyalty credits to the General Ledger, they are available to payout to customers.

What you do next depends on how your customers redeem their loyalty credits: